Zero Tolerance For Anti-Mario Balotelli Chants - FIGC President Giancarlo Abete

Juventus are risking a ban to their ground in European games as the Bianconeri faithful allegedly directed racist chants against Inter striker Mario Balotelli during the Champions League match against Bordeaux.

Juve's home match against Bayern Munich could be moved to a neutral ground if the chants are proven to be racist, although according to some corners it is Balotelli's attitude and personality rather than the colour of his skin that has caused the animosity.

FIGC president Giancarlo Abete talked about the situation to

"We are absolutely against racism," he explained. "There should be no discount for those who discriminate or for those groups of people who think they are able to take a whole system hostage.

"The sporting justice will follow its course, but all clubs must take a clear position."
Zero Tolerance For Anti-Mario Balotelli Chants - FIGC President Giancarlo Abete Zero Tolerance For Anti-Mario Balotelli Chants - FIGC President Giancarlo Abete Reviewed by Unknown on 12:24 AM Rating: 5

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